SEO acording to google

When it comes to improving your website’s visibility, understanding the key principles and metrics that govern SEO is critical.

This article will explain some of the rules and techniques you need to know to get the most out of your marketing efforts.

From tracking measurable progress to developing strategies, here’s what makes all the difference when it comes to ranking your website in the top spots.

In the past, a good-looking website and a high-quality product were enough to make your business thrive. But with the progression of the digital age, businesses now need to consider search engine optimization (SEO) if they want to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs).

‘I think about search engine optimization (SEO) and public relations (PR) as two siblings living under the same roof but following separate paths and taking different decisions along the road. One loves order, planning and following the rules and craves science (SEO), while the other is easygoing and artistic and lives in the moment (PR). Two distinctively different approaches to life, yet neither better nor worse.

Felipe ReischPR Manager at  Exquisite Air Charter.

What is SEO?

SEO metrics to track

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. It is a marketing strategy that improves the visibility of a website on several search engines like Google.

Different techniques can be used to improve SEO. Some common methods include: optimizing title tags and Meta descriptions, adding keyword-rich content, building backlinks, and increasing social shares.

Principles of SEO

The basic principles of search engine optimization are relatively simple and easy to implement. However, to be truly successful, you need to adhere to best practices, keep up with current trends, and constantly try new techniques. As a result, it can be difficult to achieve and maintain top rankings.

5 basic principles of search engine optimization that every business should know:

SEO metrics for businesses to track

1. Relevance is key
Google’s algorithms are designed to display the most relevant results for users’ search queries. So if you want your website to appear at the top of the SERPs, you need to make sure your content is relevant to users’ search queries. Research popular keywords and key phrases in your industry and use them naturally in your website content. In addition to using relevant keywords, you must also ensure that your website contains valuable information that meets the needs of your target audience.

2. Link building
This works by getting links from other websites to your website. It helps users who are looking for more information related to their search navigate from one site to another. There are dozens of link-building strategies, but not all of them are suitable for every business. Here are some common link-building strategies:

(i) Guest blogging: This involves writing blog posts for other websites in your industry.
(ii) Directory listings: Submit your website to relevant online directories. Most directories require a reciprocal link.
(iii) Resource pages: Many websites have resource pages that list helpful information and links for their readers. Try to place your website on one of these pages.

3. Quality Content
Create quality content around the keywords you are targeting. This content should be informative, well-written and relevant to your target audience. If it is, the search engines will reward you with higher SERP rankings and drive more visitors and potential customers to your website. If you have no idea about what content to publish, some platforms and websites can be of great help. We have Answerthepublic, Ubersuggest, and Buzzsumo.

4. Title tags
The title is a description of your content, and it needs to be short and precise. Search engines analyze the headline they come across, and it’s important to have a keyword at or near the beginning of the headline. This will help your website rank better.

5. SEO-friendly URLs.
This is a very effective technique that will help you rank better. Every website should have at least two keywords on its page. This is because they boost traffic when users search for similar terms. So, it is an added advantage if these keywords are added to the URL. Users can guess what your page is about from the URL, and your URL must be relevant to the content on your page.

The metrics to track

To get clear on how well or poorly your site is doing, it is important to use tracking tools that keep you in the loop. There are several techniques you can use to track your digital performance, including:

  1. Measure your website: Google Analytics is a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic and conversions. Every time a user visits your website, data is always collected, showing how the user interacted with your page when they were on it. Google Analytics is a formidable tool to track metrics. You can use it to see where your visitors are coming from, what they are doing on your website, and how well your campaigns are performing.

    2. Website relevance: Google Search Console is another free tool from Google that allows you to monitor your website’s search performance. It helps with troubleshooting and maintaining your website presence in Google search results. You can use it to see how often your website appears on SERP and what keywords users are using to find your website, and much more.

    3. Average page load time: The speed of your website is an important ranking factor. How fast or slow your website loads is a determining factor in how well you rank. In case you are wondering: Average load time is the time it takes your website to display all of its content.

    4. Keyword Ranking: There are certain keywords that you should use so that they can drive traffic to your website. Relevant keywords that perfectly describe your product or service can help you rank well in the search engine. You can get accurate results with Ahref’s ranking tracker.

    5. Organic traffic: This is the traffic you receive from search engines when users visit your site through the displayed search results. This is not limited to search engines only. It can come from multiple channels, such as social media links and third-party websites

    SEO is essential to a successful digital presence because it allows you to reach your target audience and drive more traffic to your website. Whether you are just starting or have been doing SEO for years, it’s important to keep up to date with the latest trends and techniques to optimize your website and ensure you are maximizing its potential.

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