Website content writing: 15 Tips for high converting website


website content writing

Having a website won’t get you sales.

While good aesthesis and a bucket load of content is a great place to start, what would it mean to you if everyone who visits your website understood your product or service?

Surprisingly, you have 10 seconds to get your visitor interested in what you do what is more shocking is this statistic has nothing to do with colours.

If you have been wondering why you are not converting your website visitors to your customers, read on!

What is web copy?

What is website copy?

Website copy refers to the text on your website not only does a website copy help your marketing goals, but it also address question and queries prospects may have about your business. 

Goals of a website

Goals of website content creation
  • Brand awareness
  • Capture leads
  • Credibility
  • Conversion

15 Tips for quality website content 

  1.  Identify your goal: Why do you need a website at this time? To share information about your product? Build credibility? Organic traffic or just conversion? Want people to understand your brand messaging? Your why is important to your website of choice, your call-to-action and user experience. 
  2.  Know your audience: Before you write your website content it is important to identify who you are writing to. When you know your audience you will speak to them and they will take action. Don’t write the same content for a marketer to a business owner they are both different audiences. 
  3.  Write using the inverted pyramid: Arrange information in the order of importance, if you think a word/ sentence won’t help you convey your message or reach your audience. Cut it off!
  4.  Answer the What, Why, Where and When questions: When people visit your website they have these 5 questions in mind:
  1. What can you do for me?
  2. Why should I listen to you?
  3. What makes you legit/trustworthy
  4. Where do I start
  5. Why should I stick around?

PRO TIP: Make sure the answers to these questions are visible enough for your visitors to see.

  1.  Do not plagiarize: Your website is original, so should your content be, while you can research and observe how other people in your industry write their content, do not be tempted to copy.
  2.  Clarify the actions you want people to take: When writing website content, strictly ensure your content is telling your customer to take one action, if not you risk losing them to your competitor who is clear about what they want them to do.
  3.  Write with emotions: Feel like using the word slangs or informal words go on! You are doing business with people. Make them feel something. Write to them like you are writing to a person, not like this.
  4.  Tell a story that positions you as an expert: Behind every business is a story for Beny it is the founder’s mother who was diligent with finances and ensured they have enough even in downtimes. For Disruptiv it is the struggles of the founding members as pioneers without support, for E23 it is the founder’s annoyance over the inability to shop comfortably during trips. What is yours? That is what your audience can connect to, so tell it well.
  5.  Use clear and simple words: Choose brevity over many words, simple over clever.
  6.  Remove industry jargon: When writing website content, remember you are not writing for yourself- you probably know all you need to about the business. Write for the readers. Save their time and increase your conversion rate.
  7.  Edit and proofread your draft: You don’t want grammatical errors to ruin the trust you are about to gain, ensure you proofread your website. You are a business and people will hold you to that standard.
  8.  Stick to a style: Certain words are written differently but mean the same thing an example is; start-up/startups, blogposts/blog posts determine which you will stick with.
  9.  Cut the fluff: If it is not useful or relevant. Remove it. If you can say it in three sentences don’t say it in ten. Resist the urge to fill the page with irrelevant words or phrases.
  10.  Research: Scour the internet for websites in your industry, and plug their name into Semrush to see their on-page SEO structure. What words are they using, and the word count all of this help write a high-converting web copy
  11. Discuss with your prospects: When writing website content GMB and testimonials have been of great help, if people say they love your service because they feel supported weave that into your content.

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