Creating viral content: 15 Tips for generating massive sales


Viral content

The explosion in viral content has only reinforced the fact that social media is going nowhere.

In a report by Go banking rates, charli D’Amelio an 18 year old tiktoker made $17.5 million in 2022.

You can write viral content. 

Get more people to see your content and do business with you instantly

What is viral content? 

Viral content is used to define the explosion in social share of a particular content.

Traits of viral content

Traits of viral content

Viral content elicit some sort of emotion, in most cases positive which could be:

  1. Surprising
  2. Intense
  3. Interesting
  4. Useful
Virality can be planned

As Jonathan Flower rightly said “Virality keeps people from looking away”

Emotions you can taps into when writing viral content

  • Wow
  • Aww
  • Yay
  • Wtf
  • Finally
  • Lol
  • NSFW
  • FOQ

Forms of viral content

  • Video
  • Image
  • Articles
  • Social proof
  • Podcast
  • Meme
  • Animated gif
  • Infographics

When to use viral marketing strategy

  1. Product launch and release: One of the companies who uses this effectively is Feuhle Media whose stake is best explained as creating viral content through mass algorithmic manipulation. In a statement made by Justin Liwen “he noted that the cost per click with paid facebook Ads are about to drop significantly and TikTok provides access to large targeted audience without spending a dime in ad spending”.
  1. Brand awareness: When you have a good product, that people will find useful. To increase its reach and ensure it gets to a lot of people. You should explore viral content. Examples of brands that have achieved this are
  2. Build brand reputation: According to Tasleem, a Linkedln visibility coach, he says virality can be predicted. He tested this by sending snippets from his post to his audience three different times to observe their reception and feedback. Afterward, he shared the post and it garnered over a million views. You can enroll for his course here, it is free. From this observation viral content can be planned.
  3. Increase customer loyalty: Coke launched a campaign in response to temperature changes. This post got the attention of people and encouraged them to stick with the brand.

What makes a content viral?

 In a research conducted by Buzzsumo on over 100 million publications, individuals noted that they will only share content if it plays on their emotions, is attractive, or provides useful information.

15 ways to create viral content

  1. Communicate an idea per time: When creating content you intend to go viral. Focus on communicating an idea at a time. This could be something about your boss, a hectic day at work, or your personal experience but ensure you focus on a line of thought.

2. Study your audience: Audience research is a key factor in creating viral content. If your audience receive a kind of content more. then create that type of content. Test formats and timing also. While there are general time for posting according to study, seeing what works for your audience matter.

3. Avoid over-filtering: Authencity is the name of the word; Stay authentic, and don’t be tempted to filter out too much. People can tell when you are fake.

4. Be Relatable: Does your audience feel like you get them. Is your content specific are posting what your audience care about? Does your content address issues they are concerned with. Why should they care? Do you use words they understand and relate to all of these factors helps you create relatable content.

5. Take advantage of Buzz: Something is trending in your industry or the world in general? Create content using your brand tone and voice.

6. Use images/memes: A picture paints a thousand words. It is easier to convey emotions through images, Gifs, and memes. According to research, people remember 80% of what they see. You can find gifts and memes on Giphy and Pinata farms.

7. Tell a story: People buy stories and relations. Storytelling makes it easy to convey a message while eliciting emotions. Telling a story helps you take your audience along your narrative

8. Have a strong hook: Having a strong and compelling that people click.

“When you advertise fire-extinguishers, open with the fire.” 

David Ogilvy

9. Use a scroll stopper: Create a post that makes people stop scrolling

10. Create feel-good content: To create feel-good content look back at your life experience and give yourself permission to be idiotic…

Has something extremely hilarious happened? Share it! The comedic side of your brain grows with practice. So don’t relent when it feels boring at first.

11. Write clearly: Your message is more effective when you remove redundancy and go straight to the points.

12. Keep it short: Shorter paragraphs and sentences perform better. Follow that.

13. Share at the right the time

14. Reshare old post

15. Have an offer


  1.  What types of content go viral?

Any kind of content can go viral, what matters is its uniqueness and the message.

  1.  Do I need paid ads to create viral content?

No, you don’t need paid Ads to go viral while some paid adverts go viral it is not a requisite for virality.

  1.  What are the benefits of viral content for my business? 

When your content goes viral you acquire customers faster and cheaper. You also reach a broad audience you couldn’t have alone because of social shares.

  1. How do I make my content go viral?

Know your audience and understand what you want them to feel from your content. A Linkedln guru advised that you test your content before posting that way you will know how individuals will receive it.

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