Content Repurposing: The Definitive Guide


It is a crying shame when you post a video, text or audio never to be seen or heard of again it doesn’t give you enough mileage over the hard work invested.

Imagine you have to make different posts across several social platforms. Not only will this process waste your time, you won’t make the most of your content marketing effort.

What then is the solution? Content repurposing

Read on to become a Repurposing PRO!

content repurposing for business owners

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is adapting content to suit various platforms for several purposes. Repurposing is applicable to old and new content. 

For example: Turning a blog post into a Linkedln post, Facebook post or Instagram story. Or a podcast into Youtube videos. This technique helps you expand the reach of your content and its lifespan.

recycling vs repurposing vs upcycling

Recycling, repurposing, and upcycling mean the same thing hence used interchangeably.

You don’t have to create content day in and day out. You just have to work on getting the content you already have in the hands of more people- Derek Halpern

I’ll admit, I was skeptical when I first learned about content repurposing. I felt like it was a little lazy, and perhaps not entirely fair on consumers. After all, who wants to read the same thing over and over again? However, the more I learned about it, the more I realized that, done well, content repurposing can be an effective and efficient marketing tool. It allows you to put your full focus on creating some awesome content, which can then be appropriately reused if needed. It’s a way of saving time and energy without reducing the quality of your output.

Shawn Hill, Owner the grilling Dad

Why is content repurposing important?

importance of repurposing content
  1. Repurposing content helps to improve SEO, when you write content around a central topic also known as a “pillar topic” it helps Google see you as an authority and rank you higher.
  2. Repurposing content saves you time, after creating content for about 3-6 months, you know your best-performing posts, and what updates to add to make them relevant and distributable across several channels.
  3. Repurposing content makes it easier to expand your content marketing effort, this means that you don’t have to research every new post. By adapting every post you reach a diverse audience, generate traffic, and grow your audience.

PRO TIP: You need a content flywheel to repurpose content.

Content repurposing tools

  • MeetEdgar
  • Planable
  • Visme
  • Pinata Farms
Content repurposing tools is the platform for Tiktokers, video creators, live streamers and podcasters. It helps creators turn one video into over 10 pieces of content across different social channels. It has a 14-day trial plan, and plans for different categories of creators – the podcaster plan is $15/month, the content marketer plan is $25/month and the agency plan is $125/month.

MeetEdgar: MeetEdgar is compatible with long-form content. It helps you repurpose Blogposts/Ebooks into short–form social media content for Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Linkedln. It scans older posts for relevant bit-sized quotes and phrases to create different posts for social channels it allows users set daily and weekly schedules.

 The Eddie plan costs $29.99 monthly, while the Edgar plan cost $41.58/ monthly, it has larger capacities and takes about 25 accounts

Planable: Planable allows you to schedule the reuse of a particular post or group of posts. Plans vary between $11/user for the basic and $22/user for the pro plan.

A key feature of this social scheduling social is its easy-to-drop and drag function. It shows you how your digital asset will look before it is published and allows you to monitor all your posts in one place.

Visme: Visme is best for repurposing long-form blog posts or whitepapers or case studies into infographics, slides, and animated presentations. Visme offers a basic plan that’s free with limited access to templates, the starter plan costs $12.25/month and the business plan costs $24.75/month.

Pinata Farms: Pinata Farms is used to make creative memes and brand promotion materials. Pinata Farms started as a social platform where friends share memes.

A major drawback of this platform is that the created digital asset has a watermark that cannot be removed. The software is free forever and includes access to all meme templates and meme generator.

Latest content repurposing examples

  1. Loopex Digital repurposes blog posts into short videos.

“By adding “Video” to the title, keeping the introduction, and using the video as the body, we were able to create shorter posts that are easily digestible and shareable across multiple platforms, appealing to those who want to consume information quickly and concisely. Repurposing our content into short videos was a great way to engage our audience, increase our reach, and save time in the content creation process. 

2. Back2marketing school created an Ebook from the compilation of best performing SEO blogs 

The idea was to generate leads. Repurposing best-performing SEO posts helped generate over 640 leads in its lifetime.

From time to time, we update the ebook and refresh the content to keep it relevant. Sascha shares

3. Lorel Diamond repurposes blog content on our blog to FB posts, Instagram reels, and  Twitter videos.

“Our blog has an education section from which we have identified content perfect for socials. 

The result? The likes of our FB page have increased by 58%. 

In repurposing content, we follow the rule of seven, which says a prospect must see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they take action and buy. 

 We also plan to repurpose content from socials once we have enough. Top 10 videos, event-based series, product categories, or seasonal offers are some of our curation ideas”. Nikky shares

4. Herrman and Herman PLLC converts blog posts into Tiktok videos

“We recently shared what it takes to be a paralegal at our law firm, and the post recently went viral, amassing over 43,000 views on TikTok”. Joan Siopes shares

5. Faruzo translated a webinar into a blog post.

We employed this technique for two reasons; to improve our SEO efforts and reinforce our content. To achieve this, we translated our webinar into a blog post. This proved to be cost-effective and allowed us to redirect the saved costs to creative pursuits like product innovation. It is important to make content available in multiple forms – Faruz 

6. 301 consulting created snippets from their old videos 

We first investigated which content did great previously, and then we hit on that again, in a newer way. One way we did it was by creating snippets of our older videos – Cale 

7. Barista Warrior made a video series out of a detailed blogpost on coffee brewing 

We wrote a blog post that went into detail about the various coffee brewing methods and their differences. We then took that post and created a video series around each of the methods, explaining the same information in an interactive way”- Casey shares 

8. Shelf expression repurposed an old blog post into Infographic

I had a blog post about the recommended depths of floating shelves, but it wasn’t generating much traffic anymore. This was a fairly highly searched question on Google, so I knew I had to do something to differentiate myself from the other responses.  So, I decided to create an infographic based on the post.

The result? The post saw a significant increase in traffic, from just a few clicks a day to 30-40 visitors a day. This boost in traffic had a direct impact on my sales, resulting in nearly a 200% growth in revenue. Ben Kuhl 

9. Fintalent repurposes short video podcasts as video snippets for social media.

My co-founder and I started recording short video podcasts together that we would repurpose as video snippets on Linkedin, and later into image and text-based posts. It took us about 20-30 posts with similar but slightly changed messages until we landed a number of viral hits, first with 100,000 and later with almost 2 million views. Tobias shares  

10. Review Tires repurposes snippets/sections of review articles into social media posts.

11. Copymatic creates videos based on blog posts 

“I used content repurposing by creating short videos based on blog posts I had already written. This allowed me to capture an audience that may not be comfortable reading lengthy blog posts but was willing to watch a 2-minute video instead. Not only did this widen my reach, but it also increased engagement with my brand significantly. Additionally, I was able to generate organic leads as well”. Ryan Faber shares 

12. Energy Casino repurposed website content into an Ad two years after the initial one

We also repurposed our website content into the same ads after 2 years had passed. 

 We updated the copy and imagery to ensure that they remained fresh and relevant. 

Our marketing data showed that these same ads performed better than our previous same ads campaigns. 

The result? The click-through rate (CTR) increased by 20%, which resulted in a higher conversion rate and a 15% increase in sales. We also noticed a decrease in our bounce rate, which indicated that our ads were engaging our target audience and keeping them on our website longer. Tetiana shares 

13. Wallarm repurposed a few blog posts into foundation video series

9 benefits of repurposing content

  1. You spend less time on content creation
  2. It helps you become omnipresent
  3. It increases your content reach
  4. It helps you focus on creating quality content
  5. It increases the lifespan of your content
  6. It increases your discoverability
  7. Improves web ranking
  8. Makes your message stick
  9. It helps you cover every part of the buyer’s journey

How to choose content for repurposing

Now, that you know you need to repurpose your content to maximize your content marketing effort. How do you choose the exact content to repurpose? Read on to learn how.

  1. Analyze your Analytics: Take a look at your Google Analytics dashboard, your podcast dashboard, or wherever you publish content at the moment; Analyze the reach, shares, impressions, comments, linking structure, and session durations of your previous content. From this observation identify the content that is worth repurposing.

Categories of existing content you can repurpose:

  • Content that has performed well
  • Content that hasn’t performed well
  • Evergreen content
  • Content that used to perform well but no longer does
  1. Decide formats: If you will repurpose content, it is important that you know the channels you want to repurpose to and how the audience on the platform consumes content

For Example:

Images and reels work well for Instagram

Short and intriguing copy works for Twitter

Short to medium-form posts works for Linkedln, and the reception of carousels has been amazing so far. 

Shorts less than 60 seconds or as long as one hour works for YouTube

Texts and visuals work for Blogposts

  1. Feedback: When people leave feedback on your post, it means they took the time to read your content and you should take that seriously because it serves as a pointer to what people expect of you.

Gary Vaynerchuk, CEO of VaynerX subsidiary in an interview mentioned how Pat Flynn creates awesome blog posts and great content but does not leverage that content to maximize exposure and result.

Pat took that to heart and began to repurpose every piece of content he creates. You need content repurposing yesterday!

15 creative ways to repurpose content

15 creative ways to repurpose content
  1. Repurpose a whitepaper or case study into a blog post
  2. Repurpose a blog post into a Linkedln post, pins and Facebook post
  3. Resize blog images as pins and graphics for socials

4. Design infographics from case studies and blog posts

5. Repurpose Webinars into YouTube videos and Instagram reels

6. Repurpose informative blog posts into Linkedln carousels and Slideshare.

7. Turn several similar blogposts into Ebook

8. Extract podcasts into short videos for YouTube, Tiktok and other social platforms.

9. Convert blog posts into gated content to grow your email list

10. Share your blog post as Quora answers or newsletter.

11. Convert listicles into a series of short-form content

12. Turn your How-to posts into Pinterest instructographics

13. Turn a webinar/podcast into email course series.

14. Use popular comments as FAQ articles or page

15. Turn poor-performing posts into quizzes

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