5 Interesting Facts About Content Writing

Content writing is the rave these days and engagement is the lifeblood of successful businesses. Content writing is about writing and creating content that conveys ideas and valuable information to a specific audience for marketing purposes. It is a form of digital marketing.

The result generated from content marketing is similar to “dollar for dimes” and a good content writer is worth their weight in gold.

Interesting facts about content writing

Examples of content writing

  • Website copy
  • social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • Press releases
  • Email newsletters

These types of content writing vary slightly, but their main goal is to reach potential customers and audiences at different stages using the best strategy that you think best fits your product or brand.

There are several processes to follow when writing good content and some of them are:-

1. Research: This is the first step in content writing. Researching your product/service is important as it enables you to give your audience the right information.

2. Writing and Editing: After thorough research, the next step is writing. To make your content stand out, it is important to write in a way that will interest and appeal to your audience, and most importantly, make good use of SEO.

Make your introduction engaging and hard to miss, make your posts readable and understandable, and if possible, include media and visual elements that are captivating and insightful.

Another point is to include CTAs (calls-to-action). CTAs are usually a button or short phrase that motivates readers to take action. CTAs tell your readers what next step to take after reading your content.

Finally, you should create attention-grabbing headlines that entice readers to click. After taking all these steps, you should thoroughly revise and proofread your content before publishing it to avoid grammatical errors and mistakes.

3. Monitor your content: After writing and publishing, it is important to monitor the data analytics of your articles, especially if your goal is to increase organic traffic and drive sales. Monitoring your content will give you information about what you should and should not write or do next, how to engage your audience, and how to continually grow your audience and potential customers.

Difference between content writing and copywriting

Content writing is about informing and educating the audience about the brand or product. The goal of content writing is to drive sales via awareness.

The goal of copywriting, on the other hand, is to sell something to the audience and get them to take action immediately. A copy is written in such a way that it appeals not only to customers but also to potential customers and persuades them to buy a product or service.

The main purpose of content writing and copywriting is to promote the brand and drive sales, but the method employed is different.

Importance of SEO in content writing

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it helps improve the ranking and visibility of your content on a website. SEO helps your content stand out from others.

SEO is important for content writing because it helps in writing relevant and understandable content that will evoke a positive response from your audience. SEO content writing involves using keywords and phrases that are relevant to your audience, and it also improves your content’s search engine ranking. And you write SEO by writing specific keywords that are easy to read, and by writing subheadings that can improve reader visibility and engagement.

Payment types for content writers

PPW, also known as pay per word, refers to the method by which content writers, especially freelance writers, get paid.

Other types of fee rates are PPH (pay per hour) and PPP (pay per project), but PPW is the most common way of charging for content.

5 interesting facts about content writing

  • No content is complete without research
  • There is more profit in original content
  • You can have content for humans and Google- it takes the two to succeed
  • Companies generate 5X leads through blogs
  • Regular posting isn’t always better!

4 thoughts on “5 Interesting Facts About Content Writing”

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