5 content writing tools to write better

5 content writing tool to write better
content writing tools


Let’s say content writing tools never existed. One could suffer burnout trying to create content for all your social media channels.

One of the things I appreciate about some of these tools is the ability to store my ideas on the go.

As a creative person, almost every scenario is a content idea for me.

So, simplifying the task becomes a matter of concern.

Content writing tools are available at every stage of your work. Google Docs, Grammarly, Canva, Headline Analyzer are all tools at your disposal, but do you know when to use them?

Regardless of your writing style or need, there’s a content writing tool that suits you. It’s important to note that content writing tools can be used at any stage of your writing. From content research tools to content creation, editing and graphics, there’s a tool available for you.

Content writing tools are invented for writers to be able to maintain their sanity and stay productive. Some of these tools are free while some have premium features. 

There is a long-list of content writing tools, but I will only discuss the 5 worth your investment. 

Writing content as you know requires planning, research, editing, and sometimes outsourcing. I hate to break it to you but you need a content writer- one that can study your business structure, understand your message and help you drive results. 

AI headline analyzer for writing

Content Writing Tools: Pre-writing

Now you have a topic idea Yaay! How do you begin? Draft a piece.

To do this, you don’t just need a jotter, sticky notes and pen, you also need a digital tool. 

Word Apps

 You can make use of word apps such as jotterpad, iA writer, Evernote and a host of others. You can also use your Google Docs for this. You write as the idea comes before you begin to research for other’s opinion or perspective on the topic/idea.

AI Brainstorming Tool

AI idea tool for writing

Having an AI tool helps to give you an idea of what your content should look like. Although many AI applications go round the internet to scout answers to queries, it doesn’t negate the fact that they can give you a place to start your research from.  AI brainstorming tools such as MindMeister, MindMup, Coggle are a great place to start etc. What you should avoid is AI writers doing the work for you, originality beats vanilla content always.

Content Writing Tools: Research

The start of every project requires adequate planning. It is important to carry out an in depth search before you begin to write. Whether it’s a sales copy, a landing page, an article or a blog post, there’s something out there to learn from others. 

Here are some content writing tools that are best for research: Answerthepublic, Quora, Reddit and many more.

Answer The Public

AI seo writing tool

This is a content tool that helps you discover questions people are asking in relation to your keyword on the web. All you have to do is type in your keyword(s) and search. It brings different responses.

Answer The Public collates this information by using a visual representation. It shows you questions asked by individuals using the noun/pronouns listed- Are, Which, What, Will, How etc. You may however need to filter out the responses to suit your content writing needs.


Ever thought a question is silly or insignificant? Ask it on quora and I bet you will see similar questions already answered. That is how relatable Quora makes you feel. You can also connect with professionals who have answers to your questions and you can as well answer questions too. 

Quora as a content writing tool offers you an avenue to get more than one opinion on your discussion and broaden your horizon. It gives in depth suggestions and similar questions and answers too.


Have a topic that generates social interest and yet is educational? Then Reddit is a tool you’ll enjoy. It’s a less serious platform to Quora where questions are answered professionally. 

Content Writing Tools: Writing

Research is done and writing begins. Having the right writing tool makes your articles, blog posts, newsletter etc readable and captivating. Tools during creation include the writing tool, editing tool, word counter, graphic etc.

Writing Tools

There are several writing tools or applications. Some have editing features, others have a cloud storage facility and others for voice typing. The most commonly effective writing tool is the Google Docs.

Assigned to your email, it has a cloud storage feature, you can share or collaborate with editors, word counter, works with Grammarly and a host of other benefits. If you’re looking for a one-stop tool for writing and editing, go for Google Docs. Available offline too and can sync between your phone and laptop devices.

Graphic Tools

Expert review from a canva user

Canva has a free and premium versions, a team account depending on your business and also social media specifications. Anyone can use Canva and this makes it a delight of content writers and founders. It has mobile and desktop versions.  

So let’s assume you got to a page and you want to screenshot an image or your workstation, how do you do that? Just make use of lightshot or Greenshot tools.

Available on Windows and MAC, these screenshot tools make your content more relatable as readers can easily remember what features are available when using the app. Download the applications and follow the prompt to start using, easy right?

Content Writing Tools: Editing Tools

The man went into his room and is about to slept but the dogs is barking loudly into his ears and he cannot sleep so he went to chase the dog away.

How did you feel reading the sentence above? That’s the work the editing tool will do… 

Let’s face it. Writing and posting immediately even on social media platforms will always result in errors. The level of error may vary per the individual’s understanding of grammar and its components.


AI editing tool grammarly

Grammarly is a great editing tool with a keyboard function available for users. It is a great alternative to Google Docs editing because it detects passive voice and grammar structure. It also gives an insight into how readers would perceive your content: friendly, neutral, professional etc.


It also shows you reading time, length and mistakes in your work at a glance. You can switch from writing mode to editing mode and vice versa


This is very similar to Grammarly and it comes as a Chrome extension. Whatever content you want to turn in, it offers live suggestions that improve your posts. It also works with many sites too.

Content Writing Tools: Checks and Tests

Ranking top on search engines is the desire of every business owner. There are checks to be made before publishing your posts. These include readability tests, Plagiarism checks and headline analysis. 


Readability test WebFX is your best bet for this test. It simplifies your results and gives suggestions to what can be done to improve your score. 


AI plagiarism checker tool

1text.com is a delightful plagiarism checker as it shows sources of copied phrases found in your work and density. The premium version allows for more than 5000 characters while the free version only allows a check for 5000. 

If you’re writing long blog posts, articles or academic papers, Turnitin should be your-go-to  plagiarism checker. It’s available in a premium version.


Content writing tools are not meant to take over critical thinking and perspective, rather it is aimed at making tasks easier and delivery smarter and better. 

Regardless of the stage of writing or type of content, there’s always a writing tool that  suits and meets your needs. 

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